With an extended warranty, you won’t have to pay high repair costs. Extended warranties help you save money and guarantee your device against damage. The best extended warranty for Bose wearables is from Upsie.
An Upsie warranty will protect your device from damage, including:
- Accidental damage like drops and liquid spills
- Mechanical failure
- Speaker and sound failure
- And more!
In addition, customers can make unlimited claims up to the device's purchase price with an industry-low warranty deductible of just $25. After Upsie approves a claim, customers can access easy and convenient repair options. You can take the device to a local repair shop or ship it in with Upsie's free-paid two-day shipping.
If repairs don’t make sense for your device, Upsie will offer a replacement on the first claim. This ensures that, no matter what, you get the best protection at the best price.