How to Prevent or Cure VR Motion Sickness

Popular VR headsets like Oculus Quest 2, Sony Playstation VR, and even Google Cardboard have introduced virtual reality into people’s homes all over the world. These devices give VR users an easy way to enjoy fun, entertaining, or educational virtual reality experiences. However, they can cause side effects in some people.

What is VR Motion Sickness?

On the positive side, VR tech can make these experiences feel real. On the downside, these devices may make some people suffer from real-world issues. Unfortunately, some users experience VR motion sickness, with symptoms that include nausea, dizziness, or vertigo.
Most people do not suffer significantly, and the unfortunate side effect generally abates after taking a break from the headset. Still, this bad feeling can ruin the experience, so it helps to learn how to prevent it.

What Causes VR Motion Sickness?

According to doctors interviewed by Wired Magazine, VR motion sickness occurs in a similar way to the kind of motion sickness some people experience in cars or planes. With a car, people experience a mismatch between various sensory cues. The sufferer’s eyes and inner ears don’t share the same perceptions, so this disconnect makes people feel dizziness or fatigue. In the case of VR motion sickness, people can suffer from a very similar sensation.
VR motion sickness only affects some people and usually only in certain apps. For instance, games requiring real-world movement to move in the game don’t tend to affect most people. In contrast, games that require moving using controls tend to aggravate the sensation, perhaps because they’re more likely to cause the sensory mismatch.

Preventing or Minimizing VR Motion Sickness

Before giving up on favorite apps, explore solutions to reduce or prevent this poor experience. Healthline offered several suggestions to consider:
  • First-generation antihistamines, like Benadryl or Dramamine, might relieve symptoms if nothing else works well. Some people find that certain essential oils, like ginger or lavender, ease the negative sensations.
  • Experiment with game settings to reduce latency and improve the smoothness of transitions. For instance, one tester changed the settings in Population: One to eliminate the images in his peripheral vision and found relief.
  • VR headsets may have a spacer to use with glasses or another way to adjust the distance of the VR lenses from the eyes, and adjusting this often helps.
Take breaks between VR sessions. Often, VR sickness occurs when an individual spends too long immersed in a game. On the positive side, many people reported that they eventually got used to their VR devices. They did not suffer from dizziness or vertigo after they grew desensitized to the experience.

How to Protect VR Headsets

VR headsets can offer plenty of benefits, like entertainment, education, and even fitness. Some people don’t realize that these headsets contain all of the components of a computer and work a lot like smartphones.
Plus, many people use them while they’re active, such as with fitness apps and some games. Thus, they may suffer from the same sorts of problems that damage smartphones and PCs, like cracked lenses, worn buttons, or water damage.
To keep these devices protected, pair them with a VR headset warranty from Upsie. Besides guarding the device and controllers against bumps, spills, drops, and much more, Upsie keeps claims representatives by the phone 24 hours a day to help expedite timely claims and repairs.
Upsie offers extended warranties that cost up to 70 percent less than warranties sold by manufacturers or retailers. With Upsie, customers have complete coverage, excellent service, and low prices.

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