Xbox Series X Bugs: How to Fix Them

Unfortunately, Xbox Series X bugs and issues with games are not uncommon, regardless of how talented and sophisticated game developers become. Luckily, there are usually fixes readily available to get you up and off to the races. Some gamers consider it a fun challenge to find the bugs and help fix them or at least keep digging until they find the solution.
You might come across a game bug in a few different ways, such as breaking the game’s rules that you think could lead to bugs, using unconventional gaming methods, and performing functionality testing. Sometimes, all you have to do is an online search to find out what others are reporting, so you’ll recognize the bug if or when you experience it.
Additionally, sometimes the issues are deeper and lie within your game console, and they might not appear for quite a while. In such cases, you will need to have invested in an extended video game console warranty to avoid being stuck with a bad console.

The Xbox Series X Is No Exception to Bug Rules: What Do You Need to Know?

No gaming system or console is completely safe from bugs, defects, glitches, or anything else that interrupts your gaming sessions. The Xbox Series X is definitely not an exception, and some ardent system fans have reported these. Let’s take a look at a few of those Xbox Series X bugs and whether there are solutions available. And if so, what they are, and how to tackle them yourself.

Madden NFL 22

Speaking of tackling, on August 17, 2021, there was a bug report on this popular football game series. The gamer reporting the issue noted that the game would crash or freeze every time they launched the program. Here are some additional details of this bug report:
  • The issue occurs in Franchise Mode when offline.
  • The game randomly crashes at the Main Menu and sometimes shuts down the Xbox Series X console completely.
  • The issue happens 100% of the time the player launches the game.
To find the bug, turn on the game and load the Franchise Mode. The bug report stated that they never got more than 10 minutes into the game without experiencing the bug.
The nature of the glitch is to do with the graphics with someone’s head bursting into rainbow sparkles or fireworks before disappearing completely. Next, the player was locked out of controls before everything would crash and turn black.
Multiple additional gamers reported the same experience to reinforce the original gamer’s report. Some gamers have recommended restoring your Xbox Series X to its original factory settings and reinstalling the game. For some, that has worked. Others further recommended changing displays, changing from a wireless headset to wired, and removing any external storage units on which games are stored.

Loss of Single-Player Status

Some players have experienced the loss of their single-player status on their Xbox Series X system. This issue has happened when the game has asked the players if they want to “Resume [a] previous game session?” When the player presses “Yes,” they suddenly lose their single-player status.
The fix for this glitch seems straightforward for most players. Simply clear the cache and restart. Others are experiencing deleted saves. However, you should watch this bug to learn more as others share information.

Use Warranties to Solve Bigger Problems

When you buy any gaming system, the best thing you can do is explore your game’s insurance policy options with the manufacturer or retailer. However, manufacturers’ and retailers’ warranties are expensive and full of limitations.
When a glitch is an indicator that something is wrong with your gaming system, you might need to seek professional help. Whether that is your manufacturer, the retailer from whom you bought the system or your trusted extended warranty provider, you need to go to someone you can trust to take a deeper dive into the issue. For the best protection, purchase an Upsie extended warranty.
With Upsie, your gaming system is fully protected. Upsieā€™s console warranties are up to 70% less expensive than other warranty options, too. In addition, they cover damage from accidents like drops and spills, as well as manufacturing and other defects.
You can purchase an Upsie warranty for gaming consoles and controllers bought in the last 60 days.

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