We now have several generations of children who have never lived in an internet-free world. Because of that, parents often find themselves bombarded with requests for the latest and greatest devices. Figuring out whether your child’s top choice is appropriate can be a challenge, especially with them insisting that everyone they know has one.
If you are thinking of buying a new phone, laptop, or another device for one or more of your kids, it pays to think about what could happen in a day. For that reason,
Upsie provides extended warranties for most device types that can prevent you from shelling out the big bucks for repairing a new tablet that accidentally ends up at the bottom of a fishpond.
Phones and Tablets
Kids today get exposed to phones, tablets, and other devices constantly. Parents may play their children songs or show them images to amuse them. However, even though your child may enjoy pushing buttons and watching videos, it doesn’t mean they’re ready for a device of their own.
So, what is the right age to allow children online with an individual device? A
survey of parents conducted by PCMag showed that most parents felt that mobile phones weren’t appropriate until their kids were at least 12 years old. When it came to tablets, 27% felt that children should be at least 12 years old, though a similar percentage felt comfortable providing them with one between the age of six to eight.
It’s a good idea to wait until your toddler is at least
pre-school age before letting the child have their own device. Most children have become quite adept at working with electronic media by then. Focus on devices with an educational aim that reinforces essential learning skills.
Regardless of what kind of device you purchase, you must stay highly involved in monitoring your child’s computer or mobile device usage. Try not to leave kids unattended on an internet-connected device, as they may get inadvertently exposed to inappropriate or harmful content. In addition, look into buying
extended warranty device protection for additional protection for your purchase.
Laptops and Computers
In today’s world, many kids complete and submit school assignments online, especially once they reach middle school. So it’s a good idea to start thinking about getting your child an individual laptop or desktop computer at that point. That way, they always have a way to complete schoolwork without tying up the main family computer.
You don’t necessarily have to buy your child the most powerful computer on the market. Instead, look for one with enough power to allow your child to do what they need for school. In addition, you should look into purchasing high-quality virus protection and software that protects your child’s personal information.
Best Practices for Children's Devices Usage
As children get older, their natural curiosity can lead them to explore online spaces like social media. While your kids may crave more independence, it’s more important than ever that you stay engaged with what they’re doing online. Make sure you know all their social media handles. That way, you can keep up with who engages with them and keep them from being vulnerable to online attacks.
The best thing you can do as a parent is to teach them good computer habits early. Put a strong emphasis on not sharing personal details with strangers online. Make them understand the importance of exhibiting caution when someone asks them to meet in the real world.
Don’t be afraid to engage in serious conversations with your child about the importance of protecting themselves online. In addition, you should teach kids how to care for technology.
Protect Your Children’s Devices With Upsie
Even the most responsible kids can end up accidentally damaging their devices. Help protect yourself from a large repair bill by purchasing an
Upsie extended device warranty today. Upsie’s tablet and laptop warranties protect devices from accidental damage, defects, and early wear. Best of all, Upsie's laptop and tablet warranties cost up to 70% less than warranties from competitors.
Upsie also offers a smartphone subscription warranty that costs just $9.99 per month. The subscription has a $0 deductible for cracked screen repairs, ensuring you save money with every claim.
With Upsie, parents can rest easy knowing that their children's devices are protected. Upsie’s warranties are intuitive, simple, and comprehensive.
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