How Warranties Help College Students Save Money

College students rely upon electronic devices for socializing, entertainment – and of course, for schoolwork. At the same time, the very mobility of this group of students means that they and their families may need to take extra care to protect their investment in laptops, mobile phones, and other devices and accessories.
On top of tuition, books, and rent, neither students or parents might have much room in their budgets for unplanned repair expenses. Find out how extended warranties can help college students save money and even expedite necessary repairs or replacements.

What Kind of Electronic Device Protection Do College Students Need?

Consider some ways to protect computers, phones, and other electronic devices or appliances:

Home Insurance

According to the Insurance Information Institute, burglaries make up about half of all on-campus crimes. Typically, the parent’s homeowners insurance will also extend to students in on-campus housing. If students decide to get an off-campus apartment, parents or students might consider a renters policy. Generally, insurers offer discounts for multiple policies, and most people find renters insurance premiums relatively affordable.

Manufacturer Warranties

Most new devices will come with a short-term warranty from the manufacturer. Typically, these don’t last that long and are mostly intended to ensure that customers have a good experience with their purchase. In other words, they will typically cover the product against any manufacturer’s defects or damages that might have occurred along the distribution line.

Extended Warranties

Students tend to carry their devices around with them between their dorm, classes, and other activities. They also use them frequently, so some parts of the device may get worn down faster than they would with an average user.
Good extended warranties can protect these devices against accidental drops, spilled drinks, worn buttons, or even general problems with the way the device functions. Since students tend to both use and carry their devices around a lot, these kinds of problems can make an extended warranty very valuable.

Do All Extended Warranties Provide Good Protection for College Students?

According to research done by Consumer Reports, most extended warranties fall short of expectations. Some common problems include limitations on the number or type of repairs they cover and even difficulties with customer service. Both students and their parents should know that they can find alternatives to the extended warranties that sales reps usually offer at the point of sale. Besides researching the best back-to-school laptops and phones, it will also pay to research the best extended warranties.
With that in mind:
  • Read the warranty contract: In particular, learn how long the warranty lasts and what kinds of problems it guards against. Customers should find the extended warranty easy to use. As an example, Upsie has a 24/7, toll-free support number. The helpful representatives at Upsie can suggest options, which may include local repairs, mail-in service, or in some cases, a replacement.
  • Compare warranty prices: Some manufacturers and even retail stores sell warranties as a high-profit add-on to their products. Since providing warranties isn’t their main business, a high price won’t always translate into high quality. Remember that consumers can choose to buy a warranty from a warranty company like Upsie to avoid point-of-sale markup.
  • Look for online warranty reviews: The Better Business Bureau, online review sites, and consumer forums can help provide information about other people’s experiences. These will help people get an idea of what they can expect if they do need to make claims.

How to Compare Extended Warranties for College Students

High-quality warranty companies should publish warranty details in a transparent way, so it’s easy to compare them before having to make a choice. With Upsie warranties, choose the product to reveal all of the plan details and prices on one convenient, easy-to-read page.
If you’re interested in learning more about Upsie warranties, you can easily contact them on their website. You can also send them a message on Facebook or Twitter.

Learn More About Upsie Warranties:

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