When you spend money on a new device or appliance, you don’t want to pay an expensive repair fee if it breaks. Many people don’t want to pay for an extended warranty, but they can save you money in the long run. Warranties are important to consider when you get any new appliance or device. If you include your warranties in a budget, they are easy to pay for and will give you peace of mind that your devices are protected.
Why Should You Purchase An Extended Warranty?
An extended warranty protects your device if it breaks. All warranty plans cover mechanical defects and may cover accidental damage, depending on the plan and device. Many appliances will come with a manufacturer’s warranty, but they typically aren’t very comprehensive and only last a couple of months to a year. As a result, they aren’t usually enough to adequately cover any device.
Instead, consider
purchasing an extended warranty. You pay a one-time fee with a warranty, and your repairs are covered under your plan. Some plans might have a deductible, but that varies between plan and device. You should ensure your plan will allow you to take your device to local repair shops and will cover everything you may need.
How to Budget with Extended Warranties
When purchasing new devices or appliances, you should include the cost of the warranties in a budget for the new devices. With some retailers’ warranty plans, you may be able to add the price of a warranty plan into your monthly payments. However, retailers’ warranties are typically overpriced, and though they may have good coverage, it still doesn’t justify the inflated price.
In contrast, Upsie offers affordable and comprehensive warranty plans that cost up to 70% less than warranties sold elsewhere.
Warranties Save You Money
When you purchase a reasonably-priced warranty, your coverage can save you money. If your device breaks and isn’t enrolled in a warranty plan, you’ll be required to pay for the repair upfront. In addition, you’ll have to pay for a replacement if your device cannot be repaired. Devices like phones, cameras, and kitchen appliances are expensive, and you don’t want to be caught off-guard with a repair or replacement fee.
Purchasing a warranty is an expense you can plan for so you don’t have to scramble to fix a broken device. However, it is important to make sure your warranty is reasonably priced. The warranty plans offered by many retailers are often extremely overpriced, and their coverage isn’t worth the upfront cost. Of course, you want to protect your device, but you also deserve to get your money’s worth.
What Devices Need a Warranty?
You should consider purchasing a warranty for any device you regularly use, rely on, or are prone to breaking. Upsie offers warranty plans for almost
all major devices and
appliances. Many people choose to purchase a warranty plan for the following devices:
- PCs and laptops
- Cameras
- Gaming consoles
- Headphones
- Large appliances
You should also purchase a
warranty for large fitness machines, such as a Peloton Bike. Having an extended warranty means that you have a backup plan if something goes wrong. Essentially, purchase an extended warranty for any device that may need expensive repairs.
All About Upsie Warranties
Upsie offers warranty plans on all major devices and appliances, from cell phones to treadmills. A warranty plan through Upsie is more affordable than most competitors without compromising extensive coverage. In fact, many Upsie warranty plans are more comprehensive than competitors.
If your devices or appliances break, you need to get them repaired quickly, which is why Upsie makes the repair process easy. Coverage starts on the day of purchase, and Upsie customers can submit a claim any time by calling the call center that is open 24/7/365. Upsie’s dedicated customer service team will help you schedule a repair ASAP.
In addition, customers can take their device to a certified local repair shop or mail it to an Upsie-certified repair center with free roundtrip shipping. For larger appliances, Upsie will help you schedule an in-home repair.
With an Upsie warranty plan, you don’t have to choose between saving money and protecting your favorite devices. Instead, Upsie customers have the peace of mind that their essential technology is protected from damage without spending excessively on their warranty plan. Choose Upsie for all your warranty needs to experience affordable and comprehensive coverage.
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