Three Tips for Professional iPhone 13 Pro Camera Photos

There's very little to fault with Apple's iPhone 13 Pro, and its camera is no exception. Overall, the latest Pro-tier iPhone continues to attract rave reviews almost across the board. It goes without saying that this is at least partly down to its camera setup. Capable of capturing exceptional images and outstanding video footage, it's something of a triumph. The iPhone 13 Pro's camera is so good that it can snap professional-quality photographs.

How to Take Professional Photographs With the iPhone 13 Pro's Camera

Just a few years ago, even with a smartphone, a separate camera was a must for taking professional photos. However, fast-forward to 2022, and many of today's best-selling phones can readily step up to just about any level of required picture-taking. The likes of Samsung, OnePlus, and various other manufacturers all now produce smartphones with exceptional cameras.
Yet, Apple's iPhone remains the go-to for many looking for stand-out picture-taking abilities. That's because, with an iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max in hand, achieving professional-quality results is often as easy as following just a trio of straightforward tips.

Tip #1: Shoot in ProRAW Mode

Camera-wise, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max buyers get a major advantage over standard iPhone 13 owners. That's the ability to shoot photographs in ProRAW mode. So, what does it do? The clue is in the name. ProRAW captures photos in a raw, uncompressed format. It's the same way that images are generally taken on more traditional, professional-grade digital cameras.
Since it retains significantly more detail, post-production editing is key. With a separate program like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, it's possible to deliver results that look and feel truly professional and quite unlike anything previously feasible using just a smartphone. Enable ProRAW via Settings > Camera > Formats > Photo Capture.

Tip #2: Look Into the Different Lenses

With ProRaw mode enabled, another way to ensure professional results is by getting to know the latest Pro-spec iPhone camera's different lenses.
The iPhone 13 Pro's variety of lenses means that it's capable of much more than just the simple point-and-shoot style of photography. Its wide-angle lens, for example, is perfect for portraits.
Meanwhile, the iPhone 13 Pro's telephoto lens is similarly ideal for landscape shots or capturing images of buildings and other large objects. Elsewhere, there's also the flagship iPhone's ultra-wide lens. A significant benefit of the iPhone 13 Pro's ultra-wide lens is its macro focusing feature. This macro focusing feature allows for exceptional close-up detail.

Tip #3: Disable Night Mode

Apple's Night Mode is ahead of similar pieces of functionality built into other manufacturers' smartphones and their cameras. It can massively improve quick shots taken in low-light conditions. However, when shooting for professional results, it can negatively impact the resulting images by causing unwanted blurriness.
Turning off Night Mode stops an iPhone from trying to compensate for different light conditions automatically. With that, control is entirely in the hands of the photographer – just as any professional likes it! It's easy to toggle Night Mode on and off via the camera app.
Alternatively, you can disable it entirely or until you need it next. To do so, head to Settings > Camera > Preserve Settings > Night Mode.

Protect Your iPhone 13 Pro With Upsie

From taking calls and checking emails to capturing professional-quality photos, the iPhone 13 Pro is supremely versatile. However, like most smartphones, it's also a costly and complicated device to repair in the event of technical problems. Customers can safeguard against such eventualities with an Upsie Smartphone Subscription Warranty.
With Upsie's extended smartphone warranties, accidental damage is covered, too. That's in addition to manufacturing defects, mechanical faults, and other failures. As a result, customers' iPhone 13 Pros are comprehensively protected on all fronts.
Furthermore, Upsie’s warranties cost less than warranties sold elsewhere. Upsie achieves its low prices by cutting out intermediaries and working directly with the customer instead. As a result, customers get the best protection at the best price. Upsie's monthly Smartphone Subscription costs just $9.99 per month for comprehensive coverage.

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* This article is over 6 months old and may or may not be updated.