Gaming TVs Versus Monitors for Value and Performance

Besides the performance of the gaming console or PC, the chosen screen will have the most significant impact on a gamer’s satisfaction. With that in mind, many people wonder if a gaming monitor or TV will suit them better. A few years ago, dedicated gaming monitors always offered a superior choice to a TV set. These days, gaming TVs have closed the gap, especially since many gaming systems have introduced features to utilize them better.

Compare Gaming TVs Vs. Gaming Monitors

The best choice between a gaming monitor or a gaming TV may depend upon preferences and budgets. Contrast the critical features of both options to determine which type of screen will provide the best gaming experience.

Image Quality

Monitors generally offer displays between 24 and 32 inches, but gaming TVs usually start at 42 inches. Gaming TVs will offer larger screens that start at 48 inches. Bigger might not be better, though. In fact, the best size depends upon the distance away from the monitor the gamer plans to sit.
Gaming TVs offer 4K resolution, and gaming monitors come with a range of resolutions, including 4K. In general, better resolution matters the most for bigger screens.

Refresh Rates and Response Times

According to GameSpot, look for TVs or monitors that can support a refresh rate of at least 120Hz. Even though some PC setups or games might only run at 60Hz, doubling that figure will offer some future-proofing. Some high-quality monitors can achieve refresh rates as high as 360Hz, though only top gamers would appreciate that kind of performance.
In general, the actual refresh rate and response time might depend upon the gaming setup and not just the screen. While pro gamers have traditionally chosen dedicated monitors, most new and high-quality gaming TVs should satisfy all but the most competitive gamers.

Prices of Gaming TVs versus Gaming Monitors

As a rule of thumb, a gaming monitor will cost less than a comparable gaming TV. Affordable monitor models might start at about $200, but better gaming TVs list for several hundred to a few thousand dollars. With that said, some adequate gaming TVs cost less than $1,000, and high-end gaming monitors might list for over $1,500. Just as the right choice between a gaming TV and a monitor depends on preferences, the cost will hinge on features and brands.

Is a Gaming Monitor or TV Best?

If a household wants to set up their gaming console in the living room, a gaming TV will probably work better because it can serve more than one purpose. People can use the TV for gaming or as an entertainment center. If that family already has an adequate TV and plans to play in a bedroom or den, they might save money by purchasing a dedicated monitor.
Again, the best gaming monitors will cost less than the best gaming TVs. Also, gaming consoles and PCs can stream content or run apps, so they can still perform many TV functions.

Why Consider an Extended Warranty for Gaming Devices?

According to Homeguide, typical repairs for gaming PCs and similar devices average about $65 an hour, which doesn’t include parts. For instance, replacing screens could cost between $100 and $1,000. Typically, the more sophisticated and expensive the device, the higher the repair costs. In addition to the price of repairs, people often get frustrated trying to find a qualified repair person for their advanced gaming systems.
Upsie sells directly to customers and not through retailers, so they can pass on low prices to their customers. Thus, Upsie offers affordable extended warranties for gaming systems, monitors, and TVs to alleviate concerns about repair costs or tracking down certified technicians.
Even better, Upsie provides robust coverage against early wear and defects. Plus, they offer customers a choice between mail-in or local repair for portable devices, and in-home repair for larger items. With live claims reps by the phone 24-7, Upsie makes it easy to expedite claims and repairs.
Gamers don’t find it as easy to choose between gaming monitors and gaming TVs as it used to be. While monitors may have an edge, almost everybody will find gaming TVs satisfactory. Either way, an Upsie protection plan will help keep the gaming system in winning shape.

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